Fine-grained reactivity
React to changes at the finest level of granularity, providing precise control and responsiveness in your app. Learn more about Rendering control.
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Experience the full potential of Reactter by trying it online on Zapp.
Fine-grained reactivity
React to changes at the finest level of granularity, providing precise control and responsiveness in your app. Learn more about Rendering control.
Reactter boasts a minimal footprint, ensuring efficient performance without relying on any external dependencies.
Highly reusable
Share states and logic across your app via Dependency Injection and Custom Hooks.
Easy to use
Just a few lines of code to get started. Without code generation or complex configurations.
100% Dart
Supports Dart server, Dart JS (HTML), Flutter (Web, Mobile and Desktop), etc. Reactter can be used in any Dart project! Compatible with latest Dart/Flutter versions.
Fully testable
No Boilerplate
Reduce code significantly and simplify your app.