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Reactter started as an experiment to redesign what a state management solution should be. The goal was to create a state management solution that was reactive, simple, fast, and powerful. The result was Reactter.

Reactter is a dart package that stands out as an lightweight, powerful, and reactive state management, dependency injection and event handler solution.

Reactter is the ideal solution for all types of Dart and Flutter projects, offering reactivity with an exceptional simplicity and speed.


State management is fundamental to apps, because it determines how information is stored, updated and shared within app. While there are several state management solutions available, often these solutions don’t provide a full integration with equally important concepts, such as dependency injection and event handler. As a results, some of these critical aspects are missing:

  • Scalability: Without proper integration between state management, dependency injection and event handler, the app may have difficulty scaling efficiently as it grows in complexity and size.
  • Flexibility: An integrated architecture provides a more flexible foundation for customizing and enhancements to the app.
  • Maintainability: Failure to integrate these 3 concepts can have a long-term impact on the maintainability of the code, making it difficult to understand and modify due to its fragmented structure.
  • Performance: Poor integration can degrade app performance, making it less responsive and less efficient at using system resources.

In this context, Reactter emerges as an ideal solution for these needs. By tightly integrating state management, dependency injection, and event handler. Reactter provides a smoother and more consistent development experience. Its unified approach not only simplifies the implementation of complex functionality, but also improves maintainability and scalability code.


Reactter offers the following features:

  • Fine-grained reactivity (Signals, Hooks).
  • Lightweight and fast
  • No boilerplate (no recurring code)
  • Easy to use
  • Highly reusable (Custom hooks)
  • 100% Dart(Compatible with latest version of Dart)
  • Fully testable (100% coverage)
  • No code generation
  • 0 configuration
  • 0 dependencies
  • Rendering control (using flutter_reactter package)
  • Not opinionated (You can use it with any architecture and do whatever you want)

Try Reactter online

Experience the full potential of Reactter by trying it online on Zapp.